The Archive
We waft and wander
in search of community —
lighthouse for lost souls.
Interwoven with an exploration of denial, ignorance and naïveté — a cross-examination of Buddhist teachings and psychodynamic theory.
There is a part of me that has laid dormant all of my life. Glimpses of her revealed in fragments throughout my past…
A reflection of my feelings and experiences growing up in a predominantly white society and some of the insights and illuminations I’ve only recently come to understand and accept.
A brief(ish) overview of Freud’s theory of sexuality (including the Oedipal complex), structural theory and dreams theory.
A psychodynamic (based on Kleinian object-relations theories) perspective of how our unconscious collective fears may bring about our eventual demise.
Our cat, Eleven, used to meow at us incessantly during the hour leading up to her morning and evening feedings…
“It seemed an advantage to be traveling alone. Our responses to the world are crucially moulded by the company we keep…”
“Passion in a relationship is commensurate with the amount of uncertainty you can tolerate.” — Tony Robbins, author and life coach
Overview and takeaways on a book about the science and philosophy of meditation and enlightenment.
Is spirituality just religion reformed or could it be something more?
Growing up Chinese with immigrant parents in the US meant there were many moments in my child-and-adulthood…
In just over 100 pages, Herman Hesse tells a poetic, profound and powerful story of a man’s path towards enlightenment. Many stories twice or three times the length…
A few days ago, I was updating a friend on how things were going in the yoga teacher’s training curriculum I’m currently enrolled…
True love takes work—and sometimes a signed relationship agreement.
Patricia Chan shocked the nation several years ago…
You may have just submitted your application to a 10-day silent meditation retreat and are wondering what the heck you just got yourself into.
Deep Work first came across my radar a few years ago―it came highly recommended to Jeff (my partner), who proceeded to absorb the book…
The Remote Year group that I’m traveling with goes by the name of Ikigai, a Japanese word that means “reason for being”. I spent all of about two seconds thinking about what my ikigai was…
“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” — Old Proverb
It’s not intent versus impact, but intent and impact.